Native American jewelry began not as ornamentation, but as strong symbol and story of the various nations' peoples. The fact that they are beautiful has drawn other peoples of North America to admire, emulate, and collect these finely made pieces. All of our Native American jewelry is represented to us as authentic and many artists are personal friends of owner Paulette Kiker. Mostly they originate from Santo Domingo Pueblo. Nakai is a Native American name, given by the Navajo in the 1600s to the Conquistadors, and it means "unknown ones." This particular unique style uses "raindrop" dots of sterling silver, genuine mawbe shell, pearls, turquoise, and other genuine semi-precious stones with the cross or plus-sign motif -- the disconso -- which commemorates the New Mexico territorial silversmith in Navajo symbology. All stones are from sources in the USA and these are guaranteed authentic Native American-made.